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HMNS Houston Museum of Natural Science
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HMNS Houston Museum of Natural Science
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HMNS Houston Museum of Natural Science
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HMNS Houston Museum of Natural Science
HMNS Houston Museum of Natural Science
HMNS Houston Museum of Natural Science
Welcome to Tiger Scouts! Our resources are designed to help scouts complete ranks and electives with their families and dens. The Tiger Program is composed of Tiger | Elective Adventures and Tiger | Rank Adventures. Tiger Rank Adventures are required for the completion of the Tiger program. Additionally, a scout must complete one Elective. Fortunately, there are so many…
Tiger Elective Adventures are designed to enhance the program of our youngest enrolled scouts. One elective completion is a requirement to earn the Tiger rank. A Tiger is entering First Grade in the fall. We have guidance, tips, and resources to complete each elective below. What’s in the Tiger Elective Program? Our Rank specific manual…
Wolf Elective Adventures are designed to enhance the program of our youngest enrolled scouts. One elective completion is a requirement to earn the Wolf rank. A Wolf is entering Second Grade in the fall. We have guidance, tips, and resources to complete each elective below. What’s in the Wolf Elective Program? Our Rank specific manual…
The King of the Jungle adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on citizenship by beginning at home with family and acts of service. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub Scout Handbook. Return to Lion Adventures…
Webelos Elective Adventures are designed to enhance the program of our older enrolled scouts. One elective completion is a requirement to earn the Webelos rank. The electives offered to Webelos are also available to AOL (Arrow of Light) scouts (they too need one to complete their rank). This is due to the fact that the…
The Lion’s Pride adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on family and reverence and gives Lions the opportunity to explore their family’s faith traditions. The adventure is to be done at home, by design, but dens may choose to complete it together. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found…