Webelos Elective Adventures & AOL Elective Adventures
Webelos Elective Adventures are designed to enhance the program of our older enrolled scouts. One elective completion is a requirement to earn the Webelos rank. The electives offered to Webelos are also available to AOL (Arrow of Light) scouts (they too need one to complete their rank). This is due to the fact that the AOL program is only offered in the fall (it is generally a half year program as most scouts crossover into a troop at winter break).
A Webelos is entering Fourth Grade in the fall and, an AOL is entering Fifth Grade in the fall.
We have guidance, tips, and resources to complete each elective below.
What’s in the Webelos Elective Program?
- Our Rank specific manual includes four AOL/ Webelos electives and a Rank specific checklist that can be turned into the scout’s den leader or used to help fill in Scoutbook {our manual is optional, but good for groups working outside of the normal den structure}
- Project material suggestions (excepting common household items)
- Printables to help complete activities
Families & Dens can expect to have fun together working on projects while completing the following adventures:
- Adventures in Science (Retired 5/31/2022) Now we are scaling up to full experiments and how to best conduct them, delving into the vastness of space, and creating two types of circuits with LEDs.
- Aquanaut
- Art Explosion guides scouts to through two self-portraits, origami, & comic strip creation. A lot of fun from beginning to end!
- Aware and Care What are some common challenges people with impairments overcome and how do they adapt to everyday life? This adventure will explore the challenges of blindness, loss of motion, and write a book for someone just learning to read braille.
- Build It Two words – mini cornhole! And learning about tools and how to use them safely.
- Castaway Can you cook without pots and pans? Start a fire without matches? Clean dirty water? At the end of this adventure, you will!
- Earth Rocks For this adventure, scouts are going deep into the earth. They will learn how to identify rocks and assemble a testing kit.
- Engineer From design to construction we will cover a lot of engineering ground. Scouts will construct a mini stomp rocket, complete a circuit, build a weather vane, and more!
- Fix-It (Retired 5/31/2022)
- Game Design
- Into the Wild
- Into the Woods
- Modular Design (Webelos)
- Sports
- Yo-Yo (Webelos)
- Extra: Service Project “Do a Good Turn Daily” is more than just a slogan. We have two guided service projects and 20+ more suggestions. From small acts to grand gestures, scouts are helpful!
If you complete the AOL & Webelos CUBS | Elective Adventures your scout can:
- Create 2 non-traditional self-portraits
- Discover origami
- Create a comic strip
- Complete a Secret Scout Service Project Challenge
- Build a mini cornhole set
- Sew a bean bag
- Hike, hunt, and identify rock specimens
- Construct a Rock Testing Kit
The CUBS program is designed to be extremely easy to use. Materials are often items you have at home already or are easy and inexpensive to source. Each adventure begins with a list of materials you should acquire. Let’s take a look at some examples:
Here are a few pages from the Webelos elective Earth Rocks adventure.
Intro | The adventure is introduced and the supplies are listed.
Printables | Any helpful printables are included or linked to a useful outside source.
Other Information | Some adventure requirements do not lend themselves to being “bagged.” We include relevant links to help these situations.
Need more help? Use the drop down menu or links above to see each adventure and see more detailed photographs of experiments and activities.
If you are using our program manual, at the beginning of each adventure are the requirements to complete the adventure and the corresponding number of paws to color in as you go along. You can use this to help you track and your scout’s achievements. Likewise, there is a place in the rank book to track completions.
When all the paws are colored in transfer the information to Scoutbook and your pack leadership can approve it remotely. Or, share it with your scout’s den or pack leader – per pack advancement procedures.