Tiger | A First Grade Adventure
Welcome to Tiger Scouts! Our resources are designed to help scouts complete ranks and electives with their families and dens.
The Tiger Program is composed of Tiger | Elective Adventures and Tiger | Rank Adventures. Tiger Rank Adventures are required for the completion of the Tiger program. Additionally, a scout must complete one Elective. Fortunately, there are so many fun ones to choose from.
A Tiger is entering First Grade in the fall. This program is unique as scouts are expected to work with their parents to earn the rank.
Below you will find resources to complete all of the rank adventures and many of the elective adventures. Moreover, you can find guidance in the Tiger Cub Scout Handbook and a plethora of ideas and activities on Pinterest.
Additionally, all ranks require the completion of the Bobcat Rank before beginning. This only needs to be done once but is first no matter where your scout is starting (except Lion). Further, each year scouts must complete some personal protection and Internet safety and etiquette exercises.
- Bobcat Rank (To be completed once by all new scouts, disregard if you have this rank)
- With a parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet entitled How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide
- View the Protect Yourself Rules for your rank (All scouts renew this annually)
- Games Tigers Play
- My Tiger Jungle
- Team Tiger
- Tiger Bites
- Tiger Circles: Duty to God
- Tigers in the Wild
- And one elective adventure
- Curiosity Intrigue and Magic
- Floats and Boats
- Good Knights
- Rolling Tigers
- Safe and Smart
- Sky is the Limit
- Stories in Shapes
- Tiger Tag
- Tiger-iffic!
Like seeing it all in one place? Make a free copy of our Tiger Advancement Tracker. All the rank required adventures and electives are on one sheet – additional awards available to Tigers can be printed on the reverse. Click the photo to download.