LION | Lion’s Roar Rank Adventure
The Lion’s Roar adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on personal safety and the skills needed to follow the “Protect Yourself Rules.”
Adult partners should preview several items before working with their scout on this adventure:
- BSA SAFE Checklist
- Guide to Safe Scouting
- BSA Youth Protection
- Protect Yourself Rules-Lion video
- The reporting guidelines found on the BSA Youth Protection site
Further, Den Leaders should provide a notification of Option A or B to inform parents/ guardians of how to complete the adventure at home or how the program will be presented to the den.
Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub Scout Handbook.
Requirement 1 | PYS Lion
With permission from your parent or legal guardian watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for the Lion rank.
Requirement 2 | Shout, Run, Tell
With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate Shout, Run, Tell as explained in the Protect Yourself Rules video.
Choose one or more of the following activities to complete this requirement:
Requirement 3 | Emergency Services
With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate how to access emergency services.
Choose one or more of the following activities to complete this requirement:
Requirement 4 | Street Safety
With your Lion adult partner, demonstrate how to safely cross a street or walk in a parking lot.
Choose one or more of the following activities to complete this requirement:
Completing the Lion’s Roar Adventure
Congratulations you completed the Lion’s Roar adventure! Don’t forget to mark off the Adventure on the Trail Map and Adventure Tracking page. If you did not complete this with your den tell your den leader so they can mark the completion in Scoutbook and your Lion will be awarded his or her adventure belt loop soon after. Well done, off to the next adventure!