
LION | Lion’s Pride Rank Adventure

The Lion’s Pride adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on family and reverence and gives Lions the opportunity to explore their family’s faith traditions. The adventure is to be done at home, by design, but dens may choose to complete it together.

Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub Scout Handbook.

Requirement 1 | Your Family

Draw a picture or take a photo of the people you live with.

Choose at least one activity from the following:

Activity | Lion Holiday Drawing*

Use the Lion Handbook and draw a picture of your family’s favorite faith tradition, holiday, or celebration.

Requirement 2 | Family & Reverence

With your family, attend a religious service OR other gathering that shows how your family expresses Family & Reverence.

Choose at least one activity from the following:

Activity | Attend a Religious Celebration or Service*

This is largely self explanatory and to be completed with family. Before and after completing one or more of the following, discuss the event, why you attend(ed), and how it connects to your faith.

  • Lion Family Reverence – Attend a Veterans Day (November 11) event with your den

Activity | Lion Family Reverence*

Attend a Veterans Day (November 11) event with your den.

Alternately, any event where your family comes together to show reverence can be substituted. For example Memorial Day events, Lunar New Year, Dia de los Muertos, a dedication ceremony of a relevant monument or planting of a memorial tree, or even a family reunion where stories and traditions are shared.

The key is to choose an event that has significance for your family and fosters a sense of respect and appreciation for each other and your shared values.

Requirement 3 | Make a Card

Make a cheerful card or a drawing for someone you love and give it to them.

Choose at least one activity from the following:

Activity | Lion Note Of Kindness*

Cut out the page in the Lion Handbook to make a card. And then give or send it to the person of your choice.

Completing the Lion’s Pride Adventure

Congratulations you completed the Lion’s Pride adventure! Don’t forget to mark off the Adventure on the Trail Map and Adventure Tracking page. If you did not complete this with your den tell your den leader so they can mark the completion in Scoutbook and your Lion will be awarded his or her adventure belt loop soon after. Well done, off to the next adventure!

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