Lion | Count On Me Elective Adventure
The Count On Me adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This is a fun adventure where scouts will get to explore shapes and then use them in arts and crafts projects.
Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub Scout Handbook.
Requirement 1 | Shapes
Make a Lion using only squares, triangles, and circles.
Choose at least one activity from the following:
Requirement 2 | Counting & Numbers
Play a game with your Lion adult partner or den that is based on counting or numbers.
Choose at least one activity from the following:
Requirement 3 | Sorting
Organize a group of items based on shape, then based on color, and one other category. Count how many different shapes are in each category. After organizing them build anything using only one category.
Choose at least one activity from the following:
Completing the Count On Me Adventure
Congratulations you completed the Count On Me adventure! Don’t forget to mark off the Adventure on the Trail Map and Adventure Tracking page. If you did not complete this with your den tell your den leader so they can mark the completion in Scoutbook and your Lion will be awarded his or her adventure belt loop soon after. Well done, off to the next adventure!