
LION | Champions For Nature Lion Elective Adventure

The Champions For Nature adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This adventure eases scouts into the importance of conservation and natural resources.

Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub Scout Handbook.

Requirement 1 | Natural vs. Manmade

Discover the difference between natural resources and man-made items.

Choose at least one activity from the following:

Activity | Outdoor Scavenger Hunt (Also fulfils Mountain Lion Req. 2)

During the Mountain Lion Adventure (Requirement 2) you had an option to go on a scavenger hunt to find natural and man-made items. This activity can count for this requirement as well by extending the discussion past identification and including what makes the items different from each other.

  1. Print a scavenger hunt page for each scout.
  2. Mark off items as they are viewed on your outdoor exploration.

After the hunt scouts can complete the ‘Champions for Nature’ page in their Lion Handbook.

Activity | Match Natural and Man-made*

Group discussion of things that are natural vs. man-made. Then, complete the page in the Lion Handbook.

Activity | Natural to Man-made*

This activity involves the den leader sending links to about 17 minutes worth of videos about how four items are made. During the den meeting look at those four items (pencil, cotton t-shirt, wool socks, water glass) and discuss what you learned about how they were made.

Activity | Sorting Natural Items*

This activity is a relay game that requires the den leader to prep a sack full of identical items (a mix of natural and man-made) for each scout. The game rules are fairly simple.

Requirement 2 | Trash

Discover the difference between organic, paper, plastic, metal and glass waste.

Choose at least one activity from the following:

Activity | Types of Trash*

Complete page in the Lion Handbook.

Activity | Trash Sorting Relay or Game

A highly adaptable game for your group!

  1. Cut out the recycling bins and sorting cards.
  2. Scouts can work with their partner or as a den to sort the items into the correct bins. For points or not.
  3. Alternately, you could turn it into a relay. Divide scouts and partners into two teams give each half of the cards. Set the bin cut outs on the floor or table a few feet away. One team member at a time brings and item and correctly sorts it. Then, they return to their group and the next team member goes. The team that sorts their recycling first wins.

Requirement 3 | Recycling

Discover recycling.

Choose at least one activity from the following:

Activity | Recycling Field Trip/ Guest Speaker*

  • Use It Again* – Take a field trip to a recycling center for a tour.
  • You Can Recycle* – Have a representative from a recycling facility visit your den meeting as a guest speaker.

Activity | How Recycling Works Video

Activity | Recycling Storytime!

Activity | Recycling BINGO

A group favorite – easy to prep and play!

  1. Cut out the cards and item tiles.
  2. Scouts can work with their partner to glue the tiles onto the BINGO card in their preferred layout.
  3. Play proceeds as normal with a caller choosing items and players marking the items off on their boards. When someone gets five in a row they yell “BINGO!” and win the game.

Activity | Recycling or Trash I Spy

I Spy is a great printable to have out and ready at the beginning of your den meeting. It gives scouts something to do while everyone is coming in.

  1. Supply a page for each scout.
  2. Scouts can work with their partner to count how many of each item are in the I Spy spread.

Requirement 4 | Conservation Service Project

Participate in a conservation service project.

Choose at least one activity from the following:

Activity | Dinner Time for Bees*

Plant native plants in your garden or in a pot that will attract bees. Use the Native Plant Finder to find plants in your area.


Pot plants with soil according to tag directions.

Activity | Sowing The Seeds of Love*

Make seed ball bombs. Complete instructions and supply list are available via the QR code in the leader guide or visit Project Wildlife Today directly and they have a nice infographic.

If you do not want to have to source a myriad of ingredients and find seeds native to your region (which is essential so you don’t introduce an invasive species) consider a Seed-Ball Kit. There are two options one for Eastern and one for Western United States. Each include a premixed matrix and seeds to roll in it.

For either choice prepare for messy hands!

Completing the Champions For Nature Adventure

Congratulations you completed the Champions For Nature adventure! Don’t forget to mark off the Adventure on the Trail Map and Adventure Tracking page. If you did not complete this with your den tell your den leader so they can mark the completion in Scoutbook and your Lion will be awarded his or her adventure belt loop soon after. Well done, off to the next adventure!

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