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LION | Mountain Lion Required Rank Adventure
The Mountain Lion adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on outdoor safety and awareness. During this adventure scouts and their adult partners will take the first steps in learning outdoor safety and then have the opportunity to learn those skills! Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the…
Tiger Elective Adventures
Tiger Elective Adventures are designed to enhance the program of our youngest enrolled scouts. One elective completion is a requirement to earn the Tiger rank. A Tiger is entering First Grade in the fall. We have guidance, tips, and resources to complete each elective below. What’s in the Tiger Elective Program? Our Rank specific manual…

LION | Champions For Nature Lion Elective Adventure
The Champions For Nature adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This adventure eases scouts into the importance of conservation and natural resources. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub Scout Handbook. Return to Lion Adventures Requirement 1 |…

LION | Lion’s Roar Rank Adventure
The Lion’s Roar adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on personal safety and the skills needed to follow the “Protect Yourself Rules.” Adult partners should preview several items before working with their scout on this adventure: Further, Den Leaders should provide a notification of Option A or B to…

Webelos Elective Adventures & AOL Elective Adventures
Webelos Elective Adventures are designed to enhance the program of our older enrolled scouts. One elective completion is a requirement to earn the Webelos rank. The electives offered to Webelos are also available to AOL (Arrow of Light) scouts (they too need one to complete their rank). This is due to the fact that the…

Lion | Everyday Tech Elective Adventure
The Everyday Tech adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This adventure explores technology and how to use it safely. It is a very simple no prep/ low prep adventure that can easily be completed in under an hour. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the…