We believe in adventures, both big and small, for people, both big and small.
Adventure CUBS began as C.U.B.S., Cubs Ultimate Boxes for Scouting, a program that started in the summer of 2020 to fulfill Cub Scouting needs while we were all stuck at home and unable to meet together. We were the district program directors of our Texas-based Cub Scout summer camp. CUBS, was our “Camp in a Box” product. It evolved to illustrate a void in scouting.
Many times a scout cannot join in a group, due to travel or illness, or misses a lot of meetings due to other schedules such as sports and extracurricular classes. Having this resource helped catch our “lost” scouts. Likewise, it also became an open and go resource for busy den leaders!
Currently, we are not providing the pre-made boxes but we do maintain many fantastic resources for Courageous Upstanding Brave Scouting on this site to help facilitate an amazing – ultimate? – scouting adventure!
Have a look around and enjoy the adventure!