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LION | Champions For Nature Lion Elective Adventure
The Champions For Nature adventure is an elective activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). This adventure eases scouts into the importance of conservation and natural resources. Activities with an asterisks (*) are found via the QR codes in the Lion Adult Partner Handbook and Lion Cub Scout Handbook. Return to Lion Adventures Requirement 1 |…

Cub Scout Bear Requirements | Rank Adventures
Cub Scout Bear requirements for rank include many great adventures. They are designed for our younger enrolled scouts to earn their Bear rank. Our Adventure CUBS manual includes guidance to complete the requisite core Bear Rank Adventures needed for your scout to earn the Bear rank. However, you can pick and choose to delve into…

Lions | Where the Scouting Adventure Begins
Lions is the Cub Scout program designed to begin when a scout begins Kindergarten. It is a very gently entry into the scouting world and is minimal by design. As such, very little needs to be added or adapted to the program and it should be presented as designed. Generally, lions meet no more than…

LION | Lion’s Roar Rank Adventure
The Lion’s Roar adventure is a required activity for Lion Cub Scouts (Kindergarten). It focuses on personal safety and the skills needed to follow the “Protect Yourself Rules.” Adult partners should preview several items before working with their scout on this adventure: Further, Den Leaders should provide a notification of Option A or B to…

Bobcat Requirements | Welcome to Cub Scouts
As of June 1, 2024 the Bobcat Rank is no longer a stand alone rank but rather it is incorporated into each rank in an age appropriate way. To learn more visit this site or each Rank’s Bobcat Requirements. LIONS TIGER WOLF BEAR WEBS AOL Pre June 1, 2024: The Bobcat requirements are the beginning…