
Lions | Where the Scouting Adventure Begins

Lions is the Cub Scout program designed to begin when a scout begins Kindergarten. It is a very gently entry into the scouting world and is minimal by design. As such, very little needs to be added or adapted to the program and it should be presented as designed.

Generally, lions meet no more than once per month and are included in general pack events as desired. The goal is to not overload the young scout or a new scout family but still expose them to the fun of scouting.

The entire Cub Scout program is overhauled and streamlined as of June 1, 2024. For more details visit this site. Overall, the program design is becoming more consistent across ranks and focusing on the values of character & leadership, outdoors, personal fitness, citizenship, safety , and family & reverence.

Resources for Lions


Adventure Tracking

On the first two pages of the Lion Handbook is a fun trail graphic where scouts can track there adventures.

Similarly, on page 64 is another graphic of all 22 adventures that can be checked off as earned.

To earn the Lion rank scouts will complete:

  • Lion’s Honor 
  • Animal Kingdom 
  • Fun on the Run! 
  • King of the Jungle 
  • Mountain Lion 

After which they may also participate in Elective Adventures:

  • Build it up, Knock it Down
  • Gizmos and Gadgets
  • I’ll do it Myself
  • On Your Mark
  • Pick My Path
  • Ready Set Grow

To earn the Lion rank scouts will complete:

Six Core Rank Adventures

  • Bobcat (Focus: Character & Leadership)
  • Mountain Lion (Focus: Outdoors)
    • Req. 2 can be crossed over with Champions of Nature Req. 1
    • Req. 4 can be crossed over with King of the Jungle Req. 4
  • Fun on the Run (Focus: Personal Fitness)
    • Req. 4 crosses over with I’ll Do it Myself Req. 2
  • King of the Jungle (Focus: Citizenship)
    • Req. 4 can be crossed over with Mountain Lion Req. 4
  • Lion’s Roar (Focus: Personal Safety)
  • Lion’s Pride (Focus: Family & Reverence)

And Two Elective Adventures from 16 options:

STEM Elective Adventures

Cross Rank Elective Adventures

  • Go Fish (Fishing)
  • Let’s Camp (Camping)
  • On A Roll (Cycling)
  • Race Time (Pinewood Derby)
  • Time to Swim (Swimming)
  • Champions for Nature (Conservation)
    • Req. 1 can be crossed over with Mountain Lion Req. 2

Shooting Sports*

  • Archery
  • Sligshot

*May only be completed at approved events with qualified instructors

Cub Scouts Lions

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